What Matters Most
What Matters Most, Danny’s new book is available now. Purchase here to get an autographed copy or purchase on-line wherever books are sold.
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I am hungry for God and for pursuing a life that matters, daily giving my all as a husband, father and friend, and as a member of my family, community and business.
My identity as a beloved son of God is the most important thing about me. I like to read, think, journal and write about the things that matter most. I am married to the finest human being on the planet and Carrie and I are the parents of two adult children whom we are crazy about. I am currently working on my first book on what matters most in life.
Pursuing the kingdom of God and sharing it with others is the most important thing I do. Like most of you, I am not a professional minister. And like most of you I serve in a variety of roles.
God’s kingdom is really just his family. I am doing my best to serve my role as a father. I hope that what you find here encourages you to find your place in the family.